What was your favourite moment on safari?
My favorite moment was at Ngala, when we were traveling at night in the jeep with Marcus, our native Shangaan driver/guide. We were happy after a sundowner, and were belting out Africa-themed songs. We started butchering the opening song for the movie Lion King, and Marcus pulled the jeep to a stop and proceeded to sing the correct opening African lyrics in tune, then explain to us exactly what they meant. As I recall, he said two languages were used in the opening scene — Swahili, and perhaps Zulu? Anyway, for me it was a touching moment of Western childishness and ignorance ( albeit innocent) with a native standing up for the dignity of the beautiful lyrics and educating us on their meaning. Powerful stuff. I apologized to him later about the incident, but he laughed it off and said it was fun for him, which I believe was an honest response. Marcus ( and Chris, our spotter, who was also on the jeep for that event) were real treasures.